
A voice of reason

In a world where the Republicans are always denouncing the Democrats, the liberals always taking pot-shots at the conservatives, the my-view-is-bests kicking around the your-view-is-stupids, Christians can take the higher road and know the following:

1. Not all things in this world can be known
2. Not all problems can be solved
3. This life is not the endgame; it's actually just the path to real life.

But despite having these advantages over their fellow, bickering humans, Christians still seem to think that if they elect certain people or implement certain ideologies, this world can be saved. (Their marching in lockstep with the latest swirls of Republicanism, including Dick Cheney and Sarah Palin, especially scares me.) While Christians have the most assurance and hope in life, with the peace that comes from (God's) intended ignorance of life's idiosyncrasies, they still try to fix, control, and tweak.

This New York Times column from today, however, reminded me that this surge in Christians trying to make political advances is really just a sign that Christians are humans, too. And humans today increasingly think this world can be fixed, or some systems can be run perfectly. Although David Brooks takes a different route, his message is good for Christians to heed as well. In our technology-obsessed world, as advancements have been made to correct certain problems, we increasingly think this world can be steered toward perfection, and we react immaturely when it is not.

Work hard, influence well, do your best; but never think that there is no room for error or mishap. Tragedy will come. Yet Christians have the hope of not only knowing that this life is meant for tragedy, but also knowing that they have a better life around the corner.

Christians shouldn't be blown around by the winds of current events (another bomber, the socialization of health care, the stupidity of sinful people). They can make their voice heard in a country where they've been given the right to vote and speak, and they can look to love their fellow men. But their aim should not be the correction of the current life; it should be toward helping people see past this life.

The better life spoken about by Jesus Christ (Whose kingdom was not of this earth) is what Christians should be preaching.

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