
Galatians 6:9.

When I want to understand
People who are so different than me,
I watch the movies they love and listen to their favorite music with them.

In God, I find Someone so infinitely different than me, yet somehow the same.

We do not do good because God requires it,
Nor because it pleases Him.

We do it because it's just like when you discover
That you and a friend love the same song.
All that God deems "good" gives us a window
Into the head
Of a Being
Who is from a supremely different background than us.

When we learn to like His movies and music,
We find that we can know and love Him, too.

God loves music and art and movies and love, but above all,
He loves good.

And that is why we chase it, and do it, and love it.

In good, we are close to God.

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